Free info sheet on masking in school

Many parents are told that their children are ‘fine once they’re in school’, only to discover that the children are ‘masking’ in order to hide the fact that they feel different.

What is masking?

Masking involves mimicking neurotypical behaviours in order to fit in or reducing behaviours which may not be deemed to be ‘socially acceptable’. Children may not even be aware that they are masking.

What is the impact of masking?

Many of us have been in situations when we’ve felt that we don’t fit in and we’ve made efforts to ‘blend in’. This can be tiring enough for just a few hours… imagine doing it all day, everyday, for years! No wonder children who mask in school are exhausted and can come home ready to explode or collapse in a heap.

How can I help my pupils?

Firstly, don’t just look out for masking in children with an ASD diagnosis. Effective maskers are less likely to have a diagnosis than peers who haven’t mastered the art of ‘fitting in’!

Instead, why not use this free PDF “What teachers can do to identify and minimise the impact of masking” to help all children, not just those with autism, to find school a happier and less stressful place? You’re welcome to share it with your colleagues.

What else can I do?

Read and share this short but moving blog by PW, aged 10, which explains why he finds school so difficult and why gaming is his safe space. I’m sure it’ll bring a lump to your throat and help you understand the hidden struggles some children face. You can also read about masking from a parent’s perspective in this blog on the Coke Bottle Effect.

A note for parents

You’re welcome to share this worksheet with your child’s teachers. You can also join my supportive (and free!) Facebook community for parents. I’d love to see you there.

An info sheet to help teachers identify children who mask and minimise the impact of masking

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